Fee structure

Fees (RMB)
Fees (USD)Approx.
Application Fee
1400RMB/Per Person
220/Per Person
Tuition Fee
29800 RMB/Year
Accommodation Fee
5000 RMB/Year
Insurance Fee
Handled by School Together
Textbook Fee
About 500RMB/Per Person/Year
Base on real situations

1. Fees should be paid in Chinese currency. Those who pay in USD draft must make up the balances according to the exchange rate at the time they pay. USD cash will not be accepted.
2. Students have to pay the residence permit fee, medical exam fee, board expenses, etc. by themselves in the university.
3. Students who apply to quit school within one week of new semester, the university will return back 90% of total tuition fee; other fees will be deducted based on real situations. Students who apply to quit school after one week of new semester, the university will not return back tuition fee, other fees will be deducted based on real situations.

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